Have you ever been in a hole? Metaphorically speaking, you feel like there is no way out because you’ve dug yourself so deeply. Instead of trying to find a way back up, why not try and dig laterally. The possibility of collapsing under the weight of all the pressure which has submerged you so far under the ground is scary. But first think, all precious stones and valuable material resources are found within the earth. It’s possible that within digging laterally one might also find valuable resources within themselves. I do not believe that people consciously dig themselves in a “hole” of a situation for no reason but possibly subconsciously they do so to find what precious stones or materials lurk within them. When one thinks of the process of how diamonds are formed or how gold is discovered nothing is perfect at first glance and it takes work to get to the finished product. Digging laterally produces perseverance, resilience, and ingenuity. Tapping into one’s natural resources is what separates the mediocre and exceptional person, allowing others to begin to learn the capabilities of reaching their full potential. There is always a risk in mining for natural resources, don’t let the outside circumstances collapse around you before you truly find out what you are capable of. Suffocating what could’ve been or what once shown promise. Instead, cease every moment to mine out valuable traits and characteristics that lay dormant. Through certain choices made in situations, we may feel as though we have dug ourselves into a hole. In reality, we are mining to find our true selves and what we are made out of in the face of the dangers that wait to assail us. We then have two options; we may allow the pressures of life to collapse and suffocate us or we may begin to dig laterally. When we choose the latter we begin to reveal our potential, our better self and we began to look past our limitations and focus more on our capabilities. We find precious stones and valuable resources that not only allow us to move past the current circumstance but having gained such knowledge allow us to face the next trial that life has to present. Knowing that the next hole we find ourselves in has the necessary resources to where we can live out our full potential and eventually leading us to live out our purpose in life making us Whole.