Peace of Mind
Decluttering thoughts aid in gaining peace of mind.
You owe no one.
That which you extend comes from your heart.
What you give returns to you 100-fold.
An investment of sorts but what is your deposit?
“The day you plant the seed is not the day you eat its fruit.”
Life is revealed in your routines.
Show me your routines, your habits, your cycles and I will show you exactly who you are to the root.
Each day is a new revolution.
A new turning over soul and soil to plant seeds that will bear fruit.
The seeds of apples bear apples and pears bear pears.
The seed of love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control bear their likeness.
It is impossible to plant the seeds of self-conceit, pride, envy, deceit, bitterness, and anger and reap a blissful lifestyle.
Whatever is in your heart shall be your actions and the results of all your pursuits.
We are but mirrors reflecting and projecting our innermost parts.
If we are ruled by fear we dishonor others, are self-seeking, and keep a mental Rolodex of circumstances that caused offense.
What does it look like if I show grace to others as well as to myself?
If I choose to be patient and kind even when people are not deserving.
It could be argued that I have chosen a way of peace, loving beyond my preference.
To always protect, always trust, always hope, to always persevere.
What remains in this life?
Is it our economic status or social stature?
Is it the accumulation of wealth portfolios, material goods, property, extravagant events, or experiences?
No, none of these things we may hoard and parade around outwardly to show some sense of importance and relevance remain.
Yet we scream to be seen, heard, valued, and to be loved.
Faith, hope, and love.
Yet these three remain.
The faith we place in God and men is a natural understanding. We begin to have a deeper sense that we are created in his image. We can do wonders for the good of those around us and in return because of what we planted goodness will bear fruit within our lives.
Hope is our dream. The wildest imagined realities we create that seem larger than life.
A response to hope when we begin to entertain the different paths these dreams may lead may be fear. We respond in fear only when we are disconnected from our source, our Creator.
When we set out to fulfill our dreams ourselves we do so in pride which is a fruit of fear.
Our hopes are unobtainable on our own.
We are meant to partner with God to accomplish these hopes.
The Creator in infinite wisdom has placed these hopes within us exposing us to the fullness of God’s character.
Love is the greatest source for God is love.
Love is the essence of our Creator.
As made in the Creators’ image we are to reflect love from our innermost being.
Our love must reflect the Creator’s version.
Our tainted replica we pass on from generational trauma is broken from its original design.
We must learn to love through the Creator’s fruit.
Depositing the seed of the fruit the Creator provides continues to reproduce its likeness.
We in turn reflect the Creator’s likeness with streams of living water flowing from us.
We nourish those we come in contact with.
Planting, watering, growing and repeating this cycle.
You owe no one.
Yet having been given so much freely how then can we also not give freely.
Healed people heal people.
A return to living in love breeds peace of mind.
C.A. Taylor
April 20, 2022, 10:21 AM