Quite often decision making is one of the most arguably difficult tasks we face in our everyday life. Will I go to the gym? I am going to church? Should I sleep in for just a few more minutes? Do I have time to stop for breakfast on my way to work? Am I enough for the person I love? Is this what I really want to do in life?
Our life is puzzled with questions in which YOU are the only one with the answers. Yes, we have mentors, family members, friends, spiritual advisors and even our “conscious” but at the end of the day the decision rest and lie with your final action after all of the debate from outside and inside influences.
For some us, we are plagued with indecisiveness. A continual second guessing of ourselves, our potential, our right mind of being able to say, “ yes” or “no” to a decision and learning to trust ourselves. It is only after we find confidence in ourselves that we are better at that which we were once beginners. Why is decision making any different? It’s just like riding a bike, reading a book or learning a instrument, decision making is a skill that is learned and is not to be assumed that a person automatically knows how to do properly.
“But most of all. my brothers and sisters, never take an oath, by heaven or earth or anything else. Just say a simple yes or no, so that you will not sin and be condemned.”- James 5:12 NLT
To often we try to please others around use in hopes they will approve of our lifestyle and behaviors. We must first understand our reasoning for everything we do or say, for this is most important in understanding proper decision making. The qoute above clearly lays out sound advise. Instead of trying to please others by the sound word of an oath give what you can, not what you can not deliver upon which would then cause others to judge because of your lack of follow through. To the best of your ability make sound desicions that will not cause your reputation to be ruined nor others to think ill of you.
The difference in reputation and others likeness of one is that, likeness changes like the wind while reputation stand firm like a building. The question one must ask themselves is which foundation of a reputation are you building yourself upon. The one of a flawed reputation has a weak foundation others expect the least and the building collpases. The reputation of sterling character others no matter how much they will dislike can not destroy the legacy it leaves behind.
The question is then posed how does one become better at this skill? If one was learning how to read one would first begin with simple words, their meaning, their context, grammar and how they are properly used to form a sentence. If one was learning how to play an instrument one would learn the tempo, notes, pitch in which they are played in, hand placement on the instrument and possibly even breathing exercises. For one to begin the skill of decision making there are three simple steps to follow.
- Make a decision
- Move with a sense of urgency
- Be resilient
As stated before let your yes be yes and your no be no. One can often miss out on important opportunities if continually thinking of possible outcomes to every situation. In either answer do not let regret creep into your mental. Once your decision is made follow through with confidence, not only in the decision but most inportantly in yourself that the choice made was the most vaulable at that time and circumstances.
Once your choice is made move forward in confidence this is vital. Move with a sense of urgency that everything you’re doing and have done will work themselves out for the betterment of the situation and that all things come together for the good. If you second guess yourself in decisions no matter how great or small one will never truly progress because one subconsciously holds back wondering “What If”. That statement is thee most dangerous idea and is a seed of distruction in moving forward to a desired outcome.
“I can. I will. I Must”- Les Brown
Lastly, one must have a resilient spirit in accomplishing life’s most wild goals and aspirations. Nothing great was ever accomplished by the one who chose to take the easier road, by giving up when the task first seemed impossible or when the road became impossible. A resilient spirit, is what allowed the exploration of the deep sea by Chalres William Beebe who made the record breaking dive at the age of 57. Without the resilient nature of Dr. Charles R. Drew there would be no large scale blood banks like the Red Cross if he had not found a way to store blood plasma for transfusion. It is without that same spirit Dr. Patricia Bath would not have been the first Black to conclude her residency as a specialist in medical and surgical eye diease as well as the first Black Women to have a medical patent. It is because of their ability to withstand the sacrifice they not only reached their aspirations but also left a legacy of perseverance behind as well. Providing hope for a future generation that goals too are attainable. It is with faith in heart, in God and in Mind we are able to accomplish great things but we must first make the decision, then after move urgently toward our aspirations and when faced with opposition be resilient in completing that which was first place on your heart.
“If you can imagine it, you can achieve it. If you dream it, you can become it.”- William Arthur Ward