Seven months ago I dared to trust again. To let go of lingering thoughts of abandonment. To let go of failures and self-doubt. To let go of fairy tale endings and the shame that it came to. To let go of the pain.
I dared to trust again.
I decided not to let the fear of a repeated past cost me my future happiness. I made up my mind that to know happiness is more important than to fear disappointment again. I settled on the thought that I deserved to not only know true happiness but to also live it out each day.
I dared to trust again.
I realized that the paralyzing pain of my past could no longer live within my body. That my mind yearned to walk again, to run again with the dreams of possibility. That if that possibility was to take hold, everything I felt I was owed to me would be granted. I would be paid my weight in gold; in past aspirations, in a new life, in unfailing love, in lead the life of fulfillment I had always knew I was meant to live.
I dared to trust again.
I matured to the nature of life. Becoming a learned man to the knowledge of good and evil. I learned that life isn’t a crystal stair. I learned what it means to persevere, to fight, to have a certain grit and confidence that no matter what things will work in your favor even if there is no evidence to show otherwise.
I dared to trust again.
I dared to dream again. I dared to claim those things that weren’t until they came into existence. I dared to be deserving of good things. I dared to serve and give myself in service so that others too would know they were deserving.
I dared to trust again.
I dared to believe. I dared to trust in the God-given abilities. I dared to know that God was with me even when it didn’t feel like it. I dared to push myself beyond my limits of comfort-ability. I dared to dream bigger than I had ever done before. I dared to go after those dreams.
I dared to trust again.
I dared to get rid of the self-pity and self-doubt. I dared to realize I wasn’t crazy for wanting more nor wanting the things that set my heart on fire. I dared to believe even without proof that things would work in my favor as I intended. I dared to remove things that poisoned my mindset from achieving success. I dared to change my thoughts into actions.
I dared to trust again.
I dared to recreate myself and my life’s trajectory. I dared to take more risks. I dared to commit to evolution. I dared to not self-sabotage myself when I see challenges arise. I dared to lean into adversity allowing my character to be developed.
I dared to trust again.
I dared to trust in myself. I dared to trust in the process. I dared to trust in God to make my path straight. I dared to trust again despite what circumstances may arise. I dared to let go of my past. I dared believe in hope. I dared to bet against the odds and trust again.