Consistency is KEY
Do what is right today, by tomorrow it will be second nature. Life is all about repetitive behaviors. The Earth moves through the same four seasons. The fiscal years reset every new calendar year. We are truly creatures of habit. When we begin to truly understand self-identity and gain a certain sense of self-awareness we come closer in learning the habits that will consistently project us forward into new opportunities and spaces of life.
What is the Key? It is that, which without we could not complete that obstacle that lies between us and that which we aspire most adamantly to become.
This key not only allows access to a revised view of one’s own perspective they begin to see things through others lens just the same. Perspective is a very detailed word in definition, it allows one to view a situation from multiple lens of ideal and thought.
Do what is right today, by tomorrow it will be second nature. Habits are learned. We do them repeatedly each day like brushing our teeth and taking a bath or shower it becomes second nature, our minds often can not function off the set schedule we provide ourselves. If caught off of our routine, we feel lost and lose our center acting out of character.
Discipline ties strongly within the idea of being consistent. The day in and out dedication to a certain goal or task is vital and could not be accomplished without such enthusiasm. It is therefore our goal that we are preforming such task of the everyday that they add to the collective efforts in reaching our high aspirations.
“Do the little things right”- anonymous
It’s smaller task in life that if left undone would cripple governments and empires alike. “Being faithful over a few things to be master over many”, often is a reoccurring message that presents itself. Handling day to day business and having ken attention to the details of task which are presented. Big task can be quickly accomplished when the little things are done right. David was able to bring down Goliath from a smooth stone. What colossus adversity lies before you that you struggle to get past. Being that which holds you from your victory and therefore advancement to your ultimate goal. Yet we pursue every large action to overcome this colossus adversities. Never focusing our attention to the smaller problems which give such momentum to situation. If the smaller details were cared for correctly it could greatly help being a tremendous opportunity to create a long term positive effect.
All one can do is their best.
Good, Better, Best never let it rest. Until your Good is Better. And your Better is Best. Attention to detail will create sound habits that will become second nature. The formation of healthy habits and the consistency doing the smaller things right faithfully.
“ His master replied, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your master’s happiness!’ — Matthew 25:21