Be Careful who you Invite into your World
Protect you energy at all cost. Inviting someone into your world is like inviting someone into your house. At first they’re a guest whom you wish to show only the best parts of your house to so you can be assumed as a good host. However over time that all changes. Your guest begin to see flaws. The dirt on the walls, cracks in the ceiling, the creaking of the floors.
In reality no one is perfect. No matter the life style, people always compare their life to others. Its the measure or social mark people live by based on the norms of society which are generated by peoples need for more.
The 70/30 rule suggest the same. 70% of life are things that you admire and you are content with. 30% is that which you feel is lacking. However the 30% begins to be the focal point. So much so, that one will give up the 70% for a chance at the 30% they “feel” they cannot live without.
Knowing how to be content not complacent is vital before you welcome others in your World. Allowing others to walk into your home to redecorate with opinions of what they “think” you’d like without your say so is the same measure as inviting someone into your world who gives their input on every area of your life.
Your world is as big as you make it. You control who you let in. That’s why some feel so small within the vast network of people they know, somehow they always feel alone. They have allowed others to come into their home going room by room, piece by piece beginning to remodel their thoughts and perspectives of how one should view the world and where one finds true happiness within it.
“Be careful of the quit ones in the room who only give you looks and stares.”
Social media can be one of those subtle re-modelers that we allow in our house. It provides images of others “lives” and how we should be living them. If you are young, you should have everything figured out with a successful career and significant other. You should be in a financial place to take trips out the country, drive a nice car, live in a nice loft or be a home owner.
Nothing is as it seems. We are constantly surround by illusions of happiness. It’s only when we disconnect we can begin to see how the narrative is shifted and suggested beyond what it really is.
Not everyone answer at once, or maybe no one has the answer at all. No matter how much we have we are always looking for the 30% we are missing in this moment. In some cases the 30% seems that important we sabotage our own placement in our process of life not realizing that the 30% will come in time or through another situation.
I’ve seen people on social media complain about not having enough money, being tired of being single. Living in a social environments of clubs, lounges, Sunday brunches, concerts, even church. They still feel lonely. They take pictures of everything from what they ate to their outfit of the day. Never really living in the moment just constantly recording it.
Who detached us from reality? From conversations that made each person unique but made them realize that each person has a shared struggle. The veil in today’s society tells us that no one struggles or no one deals with the same issues as you. Such issues like mental health, financial dependence (to a job or career), choosing the right mate are all commonly shared. In these situations we feel all alone not realizing that each person can feel lonely some are just in a room full of people while another is physically lonely, no family, no support.
What separates us?
Wealth, Station, Class.
While a wealth person and a person going through financial hardship might have more in common when it comes to certain issues a wealth barrier prevents dialogue. A station barrier, of where someone is at in their life creates another wall that no one can relate. Lastly, the classification barrier of how someone identifies from ethnicity, culturally, sexually etc. Each barrier prevents people from connecting, from experiencing life’s shared experienced struggles. It makes one think they are better than another. In the same breathe it makes another feel they will never be as good as the next person.
Who you let in your home says a lot about what you think of your home. Your character and morals are the defense needed in vetting who you allow in. It has a four walls, a roof and a door for a reason. Its not only protected from the natural elements or life’s circumstances but it also has a way of keeping out unwanted guest. Each person has to make a conscious decision of who we allow to enter, but most importantly who we allow to stay.
Ensure you check frequent and often who you allow in your world.