A Bird’s Eye View
To be as free as a bird. To lift off the ground, resistant to gravity, going against the wind, only allowed to stay flying in the air by the constant flapping of wings.
Once in the air, the perspective changes from things once seen on a primary level. However once in the air things that once seemed larger become smaller.
Every bird must regain its strength and find nourishment. Back on the ground the bird is gain all the energy required for it to take flight again.
In life, we are much like birds. To be as free as a bird — is to aspire for things that seem possible until accomplished. To lift off the ground — taking the chance and seizing opportunity, resistant to gravity — “what if’s” that constantly surround and create false narratives, going against the wind — perseverance: the ability to withstand the sacrifice, only allowed to stay flying in the air by the constant flapping of wings — our constant effort in working towards our forever striving goals.
Our perspective changes when we continually look at the big picture. Often times, it may seem like getting the right job, meeting the right mate, acquiring materialistic positions will deem us to be considered successful. What we come to value are the basic things given that are nurtured through practice, not money. Your character, morals, and values can not and should never be able to be bought. Your sense of family, community, and personal relationships should always be that which you remain to have in focus as the big picture. Focusing on the smaller pixelated details can blur the overall picture moving it out of focus.
If we lose our perspective then why are we making all these sacrifices in life? For fortune and fame? For social approval or others to be jealous of the lifestyle we lead. Never let it be, that we give all that is most valuable to us just for approval. It is better to be respected for carving out your own lane of how you should choose to live life. We are all influenced by someone. Either by society, family or religion. That no matter where the crowd stands continue to be firm and continue to be resolute with your beliefs compromising nothing which would betray that person your strive to be.
It’s only when we rise above all the petty drama that life presents. The direly important things and life goals may seem as if they can’t wait. That we realize how small of importance they really are. They bombard us in our faces, with task after task that seems like its life or death. Find the right job, the right life partner, the right house, the right vacations. We spend so much time trying to make life perfect we miss all of life’s imperfections that make life worth living.
Careers are fluid. Your mate won’t be perfect and frankly, they’ll get on your nerves. Houses are only homes when the family is the center. Vacations don’t have to be something you have seen on social media that captures every moment like it’s the time of your life. Our lives are out of focus. Ask yourself is it really worth it and does it really fulfill you. Not momentary happiness or not instant gratification. Could you live with these choices for a lifetime? But how can anyone know?
We can’t see into the future and if we could we probably would’ve changed many of our poor decisions. However, if we had the knowledge we gained along the way, the life experiences, the relationships would all cease. We would cease to be the persons we are today.
Just like birds have to rest so do we. We need to recoup, settling down, and refocus. So often we think there is no time for rest that if we do rest we’re lazy and lack ambition. There is something to be said about the person who can just rest. In that time you are able to center yourself, goals, and ambitions. Which in turn will allow you to control them and not the other way around.
What are you focused on?
While birds can’t control the weather they fly anyway. However, when a storm arises they find shelter and rest. What storms are you battling through in which you need to rest and be still? While there are adversities in life in which you must persevere taking time to rest will ensure you make the correct analysis of the situation.
Although birds may get tired they might glide in the air to preserve their energy. Do you know when to stop aimless flapping your wings? Exhausting all opportunities trying to force situations to happen. Learning how to be still and not force things will allow you to learn how to glide. Gliding is useful in flying. It’s using the momentum and air resistance that battle each other to keep one elevation steadily moving forward towards the desired destination.
While life has its resistance towards your goals and aspirations remember that grace and favor allow you to continue to move forward. Maybe in that time, it’s best to glide through the air enjoy the moments of life. Rest when storms arise reflecting on what’s important. Take flight again, rise above the situations and circumstances of life.
See the bigger picture.